The social and controlled competitive environment is also healthy for children, especially teamwork. Humans are a biocarbon, electro-chemical organism that is emotionally driven socially and bases intelligence on problem-solving and reproduction on size/symmetry. For as simple as we can behave, we are a universe of complexities in our own right, that are connected to each other in more ways than that have been discovered at this point. In-person social networking using our senses is a very important part of our complexity and COVID temporarily took that away. Not to mention change causes entropy to increase. Everyone's patience was being tested in 2020 and still is in 2021. For the most part we managing through.
Coming into 2021 we began with RTP (Return To Play) protocols in place and we were unsure of who might still be able to play on our club teams along with feeling our way through how game play might look. Unfortunately a few players were unable to return. However a lot of our players did return, and a lot more new players joined us. We are very grateful and appreciate how things turned out at FC7Soccer®. We had some changes happen like beginning a weekly classroom session for our club players and having to move our DA from Fair Oaks Park to Central Park, but that turned out to be a needed move since we are still growing in size. Classroom has been great for players. It teaches them preparation acumen and the mental side of of planning before you play.
We want to thank all of our parents, players, and coaches for sticking with us through all of this and welcome our new member families and coaches. We know it takes a village to raise a child and we will continue to do our part in our community -right here in the Santa Clarita Valley.
-Thank You, FC7Soccer® Management and Leadership Council™