It was an incredible physical feat by brave men. Yet, why did they succeed when so many before them had failed.
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One of the key reasons is they uncovered a new secret weapon—something never tried before by other climbers. It was a special all-natural healing tonic—that research showed could dramatically boost their level of fitness... and thus, increase their chances of finally reaching Everest's summit.
What was their secret advantage? The amazing healing power of the world’s most versatile super fruit…the lemon.
In India, the Ayurveda used lemon to heal stomach issues, referring to its value as a “promoter of gastric fire.” The Romans used lemons as a cure for all types of “poison.” And historians report that 12th century Egyptians prized lemons for their “vast medicinal power.”
So it no longer surprised me that the British would enlist the help of the lemon in their quest to pull off one of the greatest feats humankind has ever known.
The secret: the team’s own physiologist Griff Pugh drafted a strict diet for the climbers—which included drinking “copious amounts of hot water with lemon to combat the acute effects of dehydration at altitude.”
Incredibly, not only did “brewed lemon tea” help the pair succeed when no one else had, Hillary and Tenzing returned from their historic mission in far better condition than any previous Everest assault team!
It may seem amazing, but when I began digging through the vast amount of resesarch on lemons, it started to make sense. For example, dating back to ancient civilizations, the lemon has been used regularly to treat all kinds of heatlh conditions. CITE: The Alternative Daily on 3/23/2017