This page is dedicated to our boosters (the team), who donate to our cause(s) and who are noble contributors in our community. This is FC7Soccer's "Wall Street".
Each Booster family or individual who donates, will be listed on their very own brick in the Booster Club, along with the year(s) they have contributed. There is a minimum annual donation to meet, but it is open to all. Be one of the first families to join our Booster Team with an amazing donation. It is a tax write off for you, since we are a Not-for-Profit corporation. Reach out to us for all of the details. We thank you in advance for your trust, confidence, and support. -FC7Soccer® Management Team
Each Booster family or individual who donates, will be listed on their very own brick in the Booster Club, along with the year(s) they have contributed. There is a minimum annual donation to meet, but it is open to all. Be one of the first families to join our Booster Team with an amazing donation. It is a tax write off for you, since we are a Not-for-Profit corporation. Reach out to us for all of the details. We thank you in advance for your trust, confidence, and support. -FC7Soccer® Management Team