She currently plays with the Legends SCV 09G, Elite 64 team as the "10"or ACMF (4-3-3). Last year she played NPL Discovery Elite with LAFC's G2009 here in SCV. She is headed to the Elite 64 National Cup, high school camp, and to team training camp for ODP in the next few weeks.
In the beginning (2015), Coach Afsheen had the blank canvas and trained Nicole (age 5 on). He nurtured her game from the details of ball mastery and the right fundamentals, to many of the techniques passed down to him by his dad and Coach Cherif Zein, when he started as a kid and playing all the way up to D1.
From there she took the reins and has gone on to play with several other masters like coach Afsheen including but not limited to Cherif Zein (and many others all of the way up to her current coach Justin Lundin -COC's Women Soccer Coach) and her game has grown significantly. She puts in the work and she pays attention to detail. She is also very gifted and blessed with size, strength, and athletic prowess. We are all very proud of you Nicole.
Being chosen to play ODP (Cal South) she follows in the distant footsteps of another one of Coach Afsheen's players from the FC Barcelona days with Coach Cherif. That player and now FC7Soccer® Coach and Associate Director is Coach Andrew (Trejo). He played ODP for Cal South also.
Please visit Nicole's channel: https://youtube.com/@3NAPsoccer
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