If you have questions call us: 323-844-FC7Soccer®
Questions for us about the LASC™SCV grassroots program, email us: Partners@FC7Soccer.com
Registration Page ⚽🏆⚽ Registrate Aqui
MISSION STATEMENT: Teaching positive values, the technical standards, game fundamentals, soccer acumen, and the team player attitude to become positive role models and leaders in life. Instil in players to commit to their choices, train on the edge, learn from mistakes, and to play elite. Inspire gratitude and honor for the game, the officials, and opponents. Coach to always exceed expectations and to be a good listener. Guide players to outwork and outwit on the pitch with diligence, confidence, and a high soccer IQ. Enrich players with the 7 soft skills, the pillars of character, and believing in a growth mindset. -FC7Soccer® Mgmt
Please read all legal documents before registering for Membership.
FC7Soccer® Membership Agreement
FC7Soccer® Non-Disclosure Agreement
FC7Soccer® Communicable Diseases Waiver
⚽IMPORTANT: Be sure you fill in all data with a red asterisk*!!! There are 5 radio buttons and a check box that also must be completed to SUBMIT. The promocode for the LASC® SCV grassroots program is 🏆 "LASC-Grassroots" 🏆
FC7Soccer® Sign up your player - Registra su hijo aqui
Struggling with Registration? There are 5 radio buttons, and a check box you must click, plus a promocode (how you found us. Everything with a red asterisk(*) must be filled out and the promocode is; "where you heard about us" (i.e.- Google, school name, LAFC®, player's last name who referred you, social media post-Facebook, YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). Double-check your work.
If it still does not work see below. |
⚽⚽⚽Please read and follow the instruction above ↑ for membership after you register. If you cannot submit, please save your information above by using the print feature, then save as PDF and email the file to: registration@FC7Soccer.com